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Tips & Guides — 13 Sep 2022

Mobile Marketing Statistics for 2020

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Mobile Marketing Stats for 2020 & Top Tips to Optimize Your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Mobile has now become the most crucial channel for internet access among the global population. There are 4.18 billion unique mobile internet users as of July 2020. It is 91% of the total internet users.

The big takeaway from this data is that there’s a huge market to reach out on mobile devices. Even more important is that mobile marketing will continue to play a massive part in today’s most prominent brands’ growth and development.

Suppose you are one of those marketers hoping to make it big through smartphones. In that case, you should check out the following smart insights and winning templates for mobile marketing.

COVID-19 Impact on Mobile Marketing in 2020

The online mobile experience has expanded during COVID-19. Even so, people are forced to stay at home during the pandemic, they are still preferred to spend their online time on mobile devices.

Mobile apps for social communication are seeing a sustained boost in unique visitors (UV) from worldwide pandemic restrictions. The biggest gainer in this aspect is Zoom app, with +2,393% UV during this period.

Of course, COVID-19 has made a global impact on digital marketing, but mobile ad spend is resilient.

Nearly two-fifths (38%) of marketing professionals across APAC are allocating more than 30% of their budget to mobile marketing: a seven percentage point increase from 2019. In India, one-fifth (20%) is allocating more than 35%. In Indonesia, one-quarter (26%) allocates more than 40% of their marketing budget to mobile.

Though COVID-19 has had an inevitable impact on budgets – with 30% of respondents across APAC, 27% in India, and 46% in Indonesia expecting their mobile budgets to decrease – the channel has been one of the least impacted by the pandemic. Consumers have turned to their mobiles for tasks and activities normally carried out in person.

Demand for Mobile Video Keeps Rising

Video consumption continues to grow, with mobile video remaining comparable to OTT* (+65% increase since august 2017). And on average, there are 29,149 petabytes of monthly mobile web traffic that comes from video.

*In Over-the-top (OTT) channels, content is delivered via an internet connection on TV rather than through a traditional cable/broadcast provider.

The importance of video marketing for businesses is supported by mobile usage statistics too. 54% of all brands’ mobile experiences are image- or video-based.

Mobile Search Statistics

As of the fourth quarter of 2019, 49% of Yahoo’s U.S. organic search traffic originated from mobile devices. Google search, however, had the highest share of organic mobile search traffic with 61%, ahead of DuckDuckGo with 58%, and Bing with 23%.

We also want to remind marketers who don’t forget to take care of SEO (search engine optimization) that from July 1, 2019, Google indexes all websites using a mobile-first algorithm.

Mobile Apps & eCommerce

Among cell phone users in the United States, time spent on their devices is 3 hours, 10 minutes per day. 90% of mobile time is spent on mobile apps.

Globally, the time spent on mobile continues to rise, and especially it concerns app usage. Time spent on social media platforms jumped up in 2020, as people replaced offline interactions with online sessions on mobile. There are 4.08 billion active mobile social media users.

Smartphone owners are buying more frequently: the average number of eCommerce purchases has increased almost two times. The part of digital retail spending executed on mobile has been increasing: it is now 31%. In the US, direct to consumer brands like the Bouqs (+208% mobile UV change) and Ball & Branch (+196%), for example, gained the most penetration.


 It’s estimated that mobile apps will generate $581.9 billion worldwide in 2020.

B2B Mobile Advertising

More than 60% of B2B buyers report that mobile played a significant role in a recent purchase. Suppose the trend towards mobile transactions is encouraging for common consumers. In that case, it is even more eye-catching regarding B2B commerce. Mobile content, either directly or indirectly, has influenced over 60% of B2B buyers for purchasing in recent times.

70% of B2B buyers increased mobile usage over the past years; 60% expect their mobile usage to increase. Driven by careful planning and investment on the part of sales and marketing teams, B2B commerce is moving online. The time to buy has fallen significantly, particularly in more complex transactions. The positive mobile user experience improves repurchase rates as well. Therefore a business must strive to engage potential customers on their smartphones or risk losing sales and market share.

Now, to make a marketer’s life a little easier for the future, here are some helpful tips for mobile marketing.

Tip #1. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

The biggest mistake any marketer can make when doing web design for its site is not optimizing it for mobile use. When a desktop version of a website loads on mobile phones, chances are that it will take more than a few seconds to load. Some parts of the webpage may not even load properly. This is an important matter as mobile users typically leave a page if it takes more than three seconds to load.

The optimization allows mobile-friendly websites to perform at its very best, thus giving website visitors the capacity to spend most of their time without any issues.

Tip #2. More Video Ads in Mobile Media Time

Video ads have become an inescapable form of online media. People browsing social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, or YouTube on mobile devices will come across these ads with almost all the videos they watch. While video ads have been a boon for marketers before, the recent trends suggest that you should begin producing some for your brand.

People want mobile ads to be to the point and concise. They should typically last for around 15 seconds and should include your message and product. If they are any longer than that, chances are the viewer will not finish watching your content.

Tip #3. Hyperlocal Targeting Is New But Effective

Hyperlocal targeting refers to techniques that use locations and GPS to narrow down the target of a certain ad, promo, or campaign. One technique in this area is geofencing. In geofencing, brands create a virtual fence around an area. Once a mobile user passes by this fence, they will be sent a push notification related to that brand.

For example, Burger King once geofenced rival McDonald’s chains. Once users were in proximity to a Mcdonald’s chain, they were sent a promo code for Burger King.

You should highly consider hyperlocal targeting as it can get you a solid hold on a specific market. Moreover, you can do your audience a great service by giving them discounts or promos.

Tip #4. Influencers Over Celebrities

If you are looking for a personality to endorse your marketing campaigns, you may want to turn toward influencers instead. These are personalities that internet users follow regularly. Apart from that, influencers are a lot cheaper than top Hollywood stars. Part of their appeal is that they are more relatable than celebrities so that people can engage with them on a deeper level.


Mobile marketing will continue to rise as we see more smartphone users each day. The path to mobile marketing success may change unexpectedly. Still, the marketing stats & some tips above will surely help you out at this moment.

Sources used in this article: Statista (Global digital population; Mobile share of organic search engine traffic by platform; Total global mobile app revenues 2014-2023), eMarketer, Comscore Global State of Mobile, WARC, Think with Google, Google Developers, JoshMDawson, BCG.

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Edgar Chekhovich

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Content Manager

Edgar is a Content Marketer obsessed with analytics & performance statistics. Edgar loves leveling up professionally and search for new effective ways to deliver quality content. After that, he’ll take every opportunity to take on exciting adventures with his GF.

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